Year 2024, Issue 2

Date published


Table of content

  • Dimitrios Petropoulos, Galina Chipriyanova, Mihail Chipriyanov, Totiu Ivanov
    Research Geographic Expansion Opportunities for Businesses through Alternative Network Strategies
    JEL: Ì21
    Summary: The research aims to analyze the opportunities for geographic expansion through the implementation of network company strategies. The expectations are that focusing on vertical and horizontal integration will offer a comprehensive... The research aims to analyze the opportunities for geographic expansion through the implementation of network company strategies. The expectations are that focusing on vertical and horizontal integration will offer a comprehensive understanding of this critical aspect of enterprise growth. Innovative approaches such as vertical and horizontal integration are examined for optimizing the value chain and gaining competitive advantages. The significance of collaboration and the formation of cooperatives among producers to enhance efficiency and establish a strong market presence is underscored. Additionally, the article presents global trends, local circumstances and the current status in Greece through synthesis and strategic analysis, offering alternative strategies for the future with a focus on network connections and innovations. Examples from key agricultural sectors in Greece, such as oranges, olives and olive oil, are also included in the assessment.
  • Hrabrin Bashev
    Agrarian Contracts, Process of Contracting and Contractual Order
    Summary: In modern conditions, much of the relationship between agrarian agents, and agricultural activity in general, is governed by some forms of contract. However, economic analyzes of agrarian contracts in Bulgaria are incidental,... In modern conditions, much of the relationship between agrarian agents, and agricultural activity in general, is governed by some forms of contract. However, economic analyzes of agrarian contracts in Bulgaria are incidental, limited to individual types of contracts, and detached from the process of contracting and contract imlementation, and dominating institutional order. This article continues the presentation of a holistic A-M-P-O approach to the economic analysis of contracts and contractual relations of agrarian Agents by conducting an economic analysis of the available contractual Means, the agrarian contracting Process, and the resulting contractual Order. First, a classification of the principle types of contracts is made and their economic characteristics, possibilities and disadvantages for governing the relations of agrarian agents are analyzed. After that, the stages of the agrarian contracting process is analised, the critical factors of transaction costs presented, and a matrix for determining the most efficient governing form, depending on the combination of critical dimensions of agrarian transactions, suggested. Finally, the specific contractual and governance order resulting from the contractual process is analyzed, and the stages of the process of improving contractual relations in the agrarian sphere are presented.
  • Plamen Lyubomirov Dzhaparov
    Generative Artificial Intelligence and the Potential Benefits for Banks
    JEL: G21, O30
    Summary: There is no doubt that the emergence of ChatGPT in November 2022 has become one of the most significant technological events in recent decades. The new-generation chat platform developed by OpenAI has caused a veritable "tsunami" of... There is no doubt that the emergence of ChatGPT in November 2022 has become one of the most significant technological events in recent decades. The new-generation chat platform developed by OpenAI has caused a veritable "tsunami" of interest in its underlying Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI). Business organizations in all economic areas are dramatically increasing their investments in this new technology and launching pilot projects testing its capabilities. Banks are no exception to this trend. With the vast amounts of data at their disposal and ever-increasing user demands, they are quickly realizing that Gen AI promises numerous benefits both concerning customer service and in terms of internal banking processes and operations. This paper examines the characteristics of generative artificial intelligence by comparing it with traditional AI models that have been used in banks. The main factors that make banking the perfect place for the application of the new technology are brought out. Based on this, the analysis focuses on surveying the many potential benefits of its implementation – from improving customer experiences, through better risk management, to optimizing the work of back-office employees and developers.
  • Kristina Stoyanova
    European Policies for Multilingualism
    JEL: F42
    Summary: The present study aims to present contemporary European multilingualism policies. In the spirit of European values, the quest for knowledge is directed towards the development of language competences in more than one of the European... The present study aims to present contemporary European multilingualism policies. In the spirit of European values, the quest for knowledge is directed towards the development of language competences in more than one of the European languages. These policies are gaining momentum especially after Britain's exit from the European Union. The purpose of the research is to show the direction in which the European policies for multilingualism are heading. They are of utmost importance for the development of common values in the European Union and represent an indispensable support for the sustainability of the Ênion. Learning another foreign language has many positive sides. learning a language other than the mother tongue develops a new way of thinking in the learner. This is of utmost importance for creating a climate of acceptance and mutual understanding.
  • Ivan Kadev
    Strategic Communication Management of Public Organizations in the Context of Social Media
    Summary: The article explores social media and explains how it affects the development of communication in the public sector in light of the increasing digitization and modernization of organizational processes that the sector is undergoing... The article explores social media and explains how it affects the development of communication in the public sector in light of the increasing digitization and modernization of organizational processes that the sector is undergoing in modern societies. It discusses both the possibilities and limitations of using social media for public sector communications. The article first focuses on the major changes in global communications brought about by social media, on the development of the adoption and application of social media within the modernization of the public sector, and on the domestication of these platforms in such organizations. It then highlights how social media can be integrated into the public sector, its main applications and the changes it brings to communication flows. Criticisms and challenges in adopting social media for public sector communication are also touched upon, as well as key future research questions.