Jana Todorova Rangelova, Galina Rumenova Petrova, Darina Ivanova Kerekovska – Yordanova
Analysis of the Elements of Organisational Culture of “Multiprofile Hospital for Active Treatment – Veliki Preslav”
The article is presenting a survey on the organisational culture elements in “Veliki Preslav” MHAT. The information is gathered from employees of the healthcare institution through questionnaires. The prevalent opinion is of strong organisational culture which creates and develops generally accepted behaviour values and norms. The organisation has established values such as personal responsibility, cohesiveness and teamwork. Each of these, separately and together, is particularly important in a healthcare institution where the work process depends on many people organised in teams.
Teodora Petrova, Zhivo Petrov
Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles - Part of Robotic Platforms in Agriculture
The scientific and technological changes that have occurred are leading to a transformation in the operations and business processes of the agricultural industries. When using unmanned aerial vehicles in modern agricultural technologies, it is necessary to improve their functions such as search, recognition and manipulation-robotic actions. This paper examines the cost-effectiveness issues of aerial photography using unmanned aerial vehicles with low-end photographic systems.
Nikola Zhivkov
Bulgarian Political Culture
Through the fundamental theoretical understanding of political culture written by Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba, we explain its essence, structural components and public mission. In this article, we are reviewing the creation and development of Bulgarian political culture throughout its history. This understanding is based on its social role - the political socialization of citizens and their beliefs. To solve this task, we defended the thesis of creating an active network for civil education and civil culture.
Ivan Varbanov
Global Human Age and Tolerance
The paper examines the effects of interaction between global human age, tolerance and culture. In concise form they are expressed as a decrease in ignorance directly proportional to comparing one’s own knowledge and skills to those of the others, opening towards the potential of those who are different; belonging to the culture of humanity which each individual contributes to; creating an expanding order without boundaries, which is spread through various types of competition, especially through competition of knowledge, traditions and institutions, of talents and skills that adapt themselves to the new cosmopolitan reality.
Mariana Drumeva
Demographic-economic Face of Svishtov at the Beginning of Bulgarian Renaissance
The present paper attempts to outline the demographic and economic outlook of the town of Svishtov from ancient times to the beginning of the Bulgarian Revival. The data throwing light on these issues are relatively scarce and can be found in archaeological excavations in the vicinity of the town, in published historical documents, foreign travelogues and in researches on the town of Svishtov and the economic-historical development of Bulgarian lands. The study is a survey and aims to summarize and systematize the present information from historical sources and historical-geographical research on the problems posed. Thus the prerequisites for the increased role of the town during the Revival can be more fully and more precisely explained.
Dimitrios Petropoulos, Galina Chipriyanova, Mihail Chipriyanov, Totiu Ivanov
Research Geographic Expansion Opportunities for Businesses through Alternative Network Strategies
The research aims to analyze the opportunities for geographic expansion through the implementation of network company strategies. The expectations are that focusing on vertical and horizontal integration will offer a comprehensive understanding of this critical aspect of enterprise growth. Innovative approaches such as vertical and horizontal integration are examined for optimizing the value chain and gaining competitive advantages. The significance of collaboration and the formation of cooperatives among producers to enhance efficiency and establish a strong market presence is underscored. Additionally, the article presents global trends, local circumstances and the current status in Greece through synthesis and strategic analysis, offering alternative strategies for the future with a focus on network connections and innovations. Examples from key agricultural sectors in Greece, such as oranges, olives and olive oil, are also included in the assessment.
Atanas Grigorov
Cultural Codes (1, 2, 3)
The problem of Codes of Culture the "cultural codes" as the term is established in Bulgaria’ mainly through the translations of U. Eco . and R. Barthes/, has long ceased to be only theoretical, and has become a social problem. Understanding of any aspect of a rapidly changing culture of our times, and hence - the formation of adequate personal or institutional development strategies, is related to the identification of the characteristic of this particular aspect of codes. The article "Codes of Culture" has prepared the first of several print publications. All of them, in their entirety, are an attempt to illustrate one possible way of "introduction" to this problem in the public domain, for introduction into the thinking of the widest possible audience.
Dimitar Trendafilov
Communication properties of brand
The article is dedicated to brand as a communication device in marketing practice and, thence, it attempts to define in clearer manner why and how brand serves to companies’ sale objectives, and how could be used more successfully as a tool. The main thesis is that brand deserves the whole responsibility and attention of the management since in the contemporary business environment it is superb, but not one and only, instrument for taking hard-to-copy competitive advantages and it provides the much needed dialogue with consumer, who on her/his side has more and more opportunities to influence brand’s life in the market. Also the most important tasks of brand in terms of communication are listed, and by means of two diagrams its main elements and their functions are illustrated in different perspectives.
Alexander Chumakov
The Conflict and the Possibility of Dialogue in the Modern World
 ñòàòüå ðàññìàòðèâàåòñÿ ïðîáëåìà ñîöèàëüíî-ïîëèòè÷åñêèõ êîíôëèêòîâ â óñëîâèÿõ íàðàñòàþùåé ãëîáàëüíîé âçàèìîçàâèñèìîñòè è ñïîñîáîâ èõ ïðåîäîëåíèÿ. Ïîä÷åðêèâàåòñÿ, ÷òî â îñíîâå ñîâðåìåííûõ îáùåñòâåííûõ ïðîòèâîðå÷èé ëåæèò êóëüòóðíàÿ äèôôåðåíöèàöèÿ è íåäîñòàòî÷íûé óðîâåíü öèâèëèçàöèîííîãî ðàçâèòèÿ, êàê îòäåëüíûõ èíäèâèäîâ, òàê è âñåâîçìîæíûõ ñîöèóìîâ. Íàèëó÷øèì ñïîñîáîì ðåøåíèÿ êîíôëèêòîâ ÿâëÿåòñÿ äèàëîã, êîòîðûé ìîæåò ñòàòü îñíîâíûì ñðåäñòâîì îáùåíèÿ ëþäåé, åñëè íà ìåñòî âëàñòè ñèëû, ïðèäåò ñèëà äóõà, ÷òî ïðåäïîëàãàåò ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèé óðîâåíü öèâèëèçîâàííîñòè, ðàçâèòèÿ òîëåðàíòíîñòè è êóëüòóðû â öåëîì.
Irena Emilova
The Conceptual Model for Managing Organizational Culture in the Sphere of Social Activities
The paper explores options to create a conceptual model for managing organizational culture in the sphere of social activities. In it a clarified the essence of organizational culture, as a phenomenon and its elements and new approaches to scientific and practical study.
There is selected subsystem - social services, for approbation of a particular model. In it is prove the idea, that organizational culture is a reliable tool for the development of any organization in today's complex and dynamic environment.
Andrey Minchev
Cultural Differences in Internationalization of SMEs in Asia
Cultural differences in internationalization are defined in Hofstede’s methodology and examined in the internationalization settings in Asia of international small and medium-sized enterprises. The objective is to be determined whether cultural differences exert any effect on the internationalization of enterprises in Asian countries in the context of their internationalization approaches. On the basis of the theoretical review it is deducted that in most cases disregardance of Asian cultural differences can result in negative consequences for the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises as well as that the network approach to internationalization dominates in the field. The research paper elucidates the necessity for overcoming cultural differences in internationalization in Asian countries as well as the significance of cultural differences in internationalization approaches.
Dimitar Trendafilov
Meme, Brand and Pop-Culture
Being a social animal human demonstrates unusual aptitude to imitation which is peculiar to his/her ‘natural’ roots but rather, in a large extend, it is a result of the ‘cultural’ submersion. For that reason the following text makes brief review of the R. Dawkins’ theory of memes in order to apply it later to the contemporary market context and especially in terms of brands. Several examples are given concerning prominent brands as Apple, Doc Martens and some others since they build the argumentation in favor of the thesis that, in principal, brands are among the strongest memes we could encounter in culture and nowadays they take advantage of the highly intensive global communication flow via Internet. Given ideas, behavior and practices of consumption are greatly transferable at least between the limits of certain subculture networks if only there is available powerful enough mechanism to put the meme in motion.
Elena Yordanova
Organizational Culture and Ethical Values
Material raises the question of the importance of ethical values and organizational culture that is extremely important status in terms of construction and development of new socio-economic relations in society in a globalized economy XXI v.In modern management science has become view that culture is considered a leading factor in economic development. This demonstrated profound changes in thinking in the humanitarian field and the formation of a new type of government relations and communication management based on shared values between the manager and subordinates in the organization.
Lyudmil Nestorov
Characteristics of Bulgarian Economy during the World Economic Crisis 1929 – 1938
The objective of this publication is to review the situation of Bulgarian economy during the world economic crisis from 1929 till 1933. The research employs empirical approach and comparative economic analysis. The effect of the crisis upon major sectors of Bulgarian economy, such as agriculture and industry, has been examined, as well as its impact on the state of domestic and foreign trade, the state finance and the circulation of currency.
A conclusion has been made that owing to the economic policy which the government conducted at the time, Bulgarian economy performed relatively well during the economic crisis and succeeded in minimizing the negative consequences of the crisis.
Nora Nikolaeva
Post-crisis or Back to the Future and Beyond
The main goal of the article is to define the fundamental reasons due to which the world’s leading economy has fallen into the conditions of global crisis. The advantages of the philosophy of spiritual pragmatism are revealed in search of valuable foundations of the modern world. The article is considering the need of spiritual and valuable reincarnation and the possibilities of economic alternatives and a better thinking along this line. The latter have been represented through the prism of holistic approach.
Iliyana Krysteva
Problems and Trends in the Development of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector in Bulgaria
The „Fisheries and Aquaculture“sector is important not only in Bulgarian agriculture but also in the national economy as a whole. This sector contributes to protecting the environment, protecting biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems in Bulgaria, supporting the restoration and maintenance of valuable fish stocks in natural ponds and sustainable aquaculture development. This important business sector has still untapped potential for developing and creating additional jobs that are becoming more and more important in today's consumers' pursuit of healthy eating and the growing demand for fish and aquaculture.
Emiliya Vacheva
Reports about the Economic Life and Commerce on Bulgarian Territory, According to Western European Sources (End of XII - XIV Century)
This paper tries to reveal the concept of western authors about the Bulgarian economy based on a large number of sources.
Atanas Grigorov
The Hidden in the Text (4, 5, 6)
"Hidden in the text" is an attempt to draw attention to the social importance of the issue of codes of culture. "Transitions" in modern culture determine themselves consistently, after that the associated change of codes, the change in attitude towards the text, the link between written word and language of visual communication, the abilities to extract hidden meaning in the text… To illustrate the latter serves as a reflection on two works of Roland Barthes - "The structural analysis of narrative" and "S/Z".