Research Geographic Expansion Opportunities for Businesses through Alternative Network Strategies


geographic expansion, network strategies, vertical integration, horizontal integration, accounting, agriculture, agrobusiness

The research aims to analyze the opportunities for geographic expansion through the implementation of network company strategies. The expectations are that focusing on vertical and horizontal integration will offer a comprehensive understanding of this critical aspect of enterprise growth. Innovative approaches such as vertical and horizontal integration are examined for optimizing the value chain and gaining competitive advantages. The significance of collaboration and the formation of cooperatives among producers to enhance efficiency and establish a strong market presence is underscored. Additionally, the article presents global trends, local circumstances and the current status in Greece through synthesis and strategic analysis, offering alternative strategies for the future with a focus on network connections and innovations. Examples from key agricultural sectors in Greece, such as oranges, olives and olive oil, are also included in the assessment.

JEL: Ì21
Pages: 14

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