Mariana Drumeva
About the Beginning of Higher Economic Education in Bulgaria - Ivan Rusev
Danko Tarabar, Joshua Hall
After War: the Political Economy of Exporting Democracy. By Christopher J. Coyne. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2008
Can liberal democracy be exported at gunpoint? Are military occupation and reconstruction effective methods for establishing permanent liberal democracies? While many international relations scholars have utilized the tools of economics (such as game theory) to help answer these questions, few economists have systematically attempted to provide an answer this question using both economic theory and history. Christopher Coyne’s After War fills in this gap and provides valuable insight into the problems the United States faces when trying to establish law and order by force in weak and failed states.
Asen Radev
Speech on the Book of Prof. Methody Kanev "Freeng from the Past"
Mihail Dochev
The Accountant as a Human Factor in a Company
People’s business activity is associated with gathering, processing and use of any information about the ongoing economic effects and events. Such information is very diverse in terms of its contents and purpose, the method of collecting, as well as its quantity and quality. There are certain types of information – scientific, technical, technological, socioeconomic, etc. One of the most important issues concerning the existence and functioning of any business is how the information is handled by the accountancy department.
In each company there are three mandatory elements that are mutually connected – property, business operations and organized accounting. The book-keeping of all companies is based on the same set of principles and methodology, along with the same regulatory framework. The accountant of a company has a major role in the book-keeping and the business activity in general. They should possess a number of human and occupational flairs.
Dimitar Kolev, Elizar Aleksiev Stanev
Facebook Usage for Marketing Meàsurements (by the Example of Meat Industry Organizations in Bulgaria)
The significance of social networks for the business as a part of marketing instruments is constantly growing, which requires constant observations and studies of different opportunities for conducting marketing researches. In this article some of the methods for marketing research in Facebook’s fan pages for key meat industry producers in Bulgaria have been shown. A comparison between the selected fan pages and other leading Facebook fan pages from Bulgaria has been made. On the basis of that analysis some key prepositions have been presented.
Karim Naama
Private Property in Terms of the Thinker Ibn Khaldun (1331-1406)
Form of ownership became a real important aspect of modern economic system, one of the most influential forces determining the further course of development of our planet. It affects all areas of public life, including economic, political, social, culture, ecology and others.
In the face of private ownership, some experts see a serious threat to the economic system and other means for the future progress of the global economy. The positive impact of private ownership is associated with the effect of competition to which it inevitably leads and negative effects - in potential conflict.