Influence of Employment on the Birth Rate in Bulgaria


employment, unemployment, territorial specialization, birth rate, correlation coefficient

The present article presents the results of a study of the factor determination of the birth rate in Bulgaria by areas of the level of employment and unemployment. International experience in this type of research is summarized. The results for Bulgaria show the presence of a positive correlation between employment and the birth rate, which is moderately strong and more pronounced for men. The unemployment rate has a negative effect on the birth rate. The strength of the relationship is moderate and is more pronounced in men. Based on previous studies, which proved significant differences in the influence of agricultural and non-agricultural labor on the birth rate, we have calculated a specialization coefficient of the territory in relation to the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries sector. The correlation coefficient between the specialization coefficient of the territory and the birth rate by district is moderately high and positive, which proves the existence of a significant relationship. The results confirm the thesis of a positive relationship between employment and birth rate.

JEL: J11, J21
Pages: 14

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