Fouad Shehab
Globalization and the Impoverishment of the Third World
This paper traces the historical development of globalization as a process and analyzes the economic and political impact of globalization on poor countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The paper discusses the role of the United States of America in driving and leading the globalization process and directing it in a way that enhances American's own interests at the expense of the great majority of world population. The paper attempts to show that globalization is an imposed process on other countries by different means, including economic, political and in certain instances military intervention. In short, the paper attempts to prove that globalization is, in fact, an imperialist process that works against the long-term interests of 80% of world population.
In this respect, it is based on unequal development that resulted in a new world order, whereby one-fifth of world population controls 80% of world natural and industrial resources.
Ivan Varbanov
Global Human Age and Tolerance
The paper examines the effects of interaction between global human age, tolerance and culture. In concise form they are expressed as a decrease in ignorance directly proportional to comparing one’s own knowledge and skills to those of the others, opening towards the potential of those who are different; belonging to the culture of humanity which each individual contributes to; creating an expanding order without boundaries, which is spread through various types of competition, especially through competition of knowledge, traditions and institutions, of talents and skills that adapt themselves to the new cosmopolitan reality.
Yuliia Ishchuk
Drivers of Global Commodity Market Formation
The research reviews structural changes taking place in the 21st century, which is an era of shifts in the world economy, occurring under the influence of scientific and technological revolution, specialization and cooperation of industrial production and contributing to qualitative changes in the field of globalization of commodity markets. These processes are imperfect and, due to many shortcomings, require further scientific research.
The purpose of the study is to determine the role of drivers of the global commodity market shaping.
The article investigated the essence of factors of the global commodity market formation and its components. Influence of trade liberalization on formation of global commodity market was determined; the development of information technologies in the field of communications, information processing, transport technologies, as well as vigorous action of multinational companies were analyzed.
Alexander Chumakov
The Conflict and the Possibility of Dialogue in the Modern World
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