Ivanka Tsoneva
“Black" or Negative PR as Competition Tools
Negative PR-technologies are not obvious. Some of them are the result of careless talking, writing, creating slogans and trade-marks. One second group results from destroy someone’s public reputation. The less transparent third group concerns strongly negative methods applied to create awareness, sympathy, and complicated part of dealing with efforts to technologies are the les from the current practice illustrate the recommended methods.
Branimira Assenova Koleva
Opportunities for Effective Cash Flow Audit
Performing an independent financial audit is not an easy task - it is an ethic commitment for the auditor that must be performed with a due care both to the client and to the community. The present work is aimed at supporting the work of auditors by providing theoretical knowledge and illustrative examples on the verification of cash. Determining the actual amount of cash is a high-risk audit assignment. Therefore, the confirmation of cash is a large-scale and comprehensive procedure, which requires more attention. The paper discusses the issues, techniques, and procedures the auditor can apply to get the most credible evidence of quantity and ownership of cash.
Angel Iliev
Didactic Tests - a Modern Measurement Method of Pupil's Achievements in Mathematics
Through innovation, modern technologies, training methods for measuring and evaluating student performance it is possible to achieve more efficient and quality learning system by creating conditions for improving the performance of the students. Modernization of education is increasingly necessary in mathematics's education.
Ivanka Tsoneva
The Change of Public Opinion - Psychological Methods
The methods for changing public opinion can be explained by classical and new concepts of applied psychology. Different variants of bilateral verbal communication are analyzed. Emotional approaches for changing public opinion are explained by the theory of commitment and consistency in actions.
Maya Tsoklinova
Comparative Analysis of Expenditure in the Central Government Subsector of Bulgaria and Greece according to COFOG for the Period 1998-2018
It is essential to study and analyse government expenditure in order to identify trends in their development. Periodic reporting of trends in government expenditure allows economic agents to plan their business actions on the basis of objective information, reducing the uncertainty of the economic system. In addition, measuring the changes in the structure of government expenditures (especially the expenditures of the Central Government subsector by function of Classification of the functions of government (COFOG)) allows revealing the priorities in the provision of public goods. The goal of the article is to make a comparative analysis of the expenditure of the subsector "Central government" by functions of COFOG of Bulgaria and Greece and on this basis to reveal the trends in their development, as well as to highlight the differences in spending policies between the two countries.
Todor Todorov, Margarita Shopova
The Statistical Quality Control – European Alternative of Quality
The implementation of the statistical methods for quality control of the technological processes is an important approach that ensures a substantial increase in the quality of the production. The statistical methods for quality control are wide spread practice in the developed countries. On the contrary they are almost not implemented in the Bulgarian economy and as a result achieving high quality by the European standards is only a good intention.
The survey performed in about 300 enterprises from the machinery construction industry in Bulgaria have shown that the statistical methods are unknown to the workers in that branch of industry and that they have not been implementing such methods in the practice despite their obvious advantages. Thus it is necessary for the Ministry of Economy and Energy to undertake practical steps on the implementation of statistical methods for quality control in the machinery construction enterprises by developing a “Strategy” in which to define the priorities of the Government, the measures and the financial resources that will ensure the training of specialists and the implementation of modern systems for quality management.