Security Management in Bulgaria - a New Model of Good Practices


energy security, energy policies, energy security threats, problems and solutions

In the dynamics of the contemporary social-economic environment stands out the significant technological progress stands out – this is the reason the concept of energy security comes with a new, wider signification. Most of the authors analysing the energy security issues reveal many different aspects of the concept, countering competitive conceptions. There is a lack of oneness regarding the theoretic frame or the energy security concept’s components – thus the question of the variety of points of view is really typical for social sciences and it doesn’t have to be accepted in a negative way. However, and perhaps contrary to the definition of wealth, the experts on the field of energy policy always underline the need and the urgency of starting to conceptualise energy security. The aim of this paper is to review the energy security concept in the context of contemporary trends and issues in the development of the energy sector based on review of the scientific literature.

JEL: F52, H52
Pages: 14

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