Critical Thinking in Accounting Higher Education: Approaches and Limitations
critical thinking, higher education, accounting, skills development, pedagogical approaches and techniques
Defined as a goal of higher education, the development of critical thinking skills is a necessary precondition for starting an accounting profession and building a successful career. This study aims to explore the opportunities for critical thinking development in accounting higher education. Different methods of scientific research are applied, including literature review, induction, deduction, comparison and generalization. The presentation argues the necessity and opportunities of critical thinking development during the accounting higher education, indicates a number of studies that support specific pedagogical approaches and techniques promoting the development of critical thinking skills in students. An essential component for their successful implementation is the curriculum organized and planned in a relevant accounting course which integrates application of approaches for critical thinking in solving practical oriented cases and tasks. Some limitations are also highlighted, perceived as hindering the development of critical thinking and the deployment of some approaches. The dynamic nature of the educational process creates conditions to overcome them.
Pages: 31