Bulgarian Land and its Natural Resources – Late 12th Century – 14th Century


chronicles, stories, maps, portolans, geopolitical position, natural resources, the Crusades, Western man, “Bulgarian Forest”, fertility

The author of this article has made an attempt to reveal how the Bulgarian state and its natural resources have been described in West European sources of information during the period from the late 12th century to the 14th century. In order to achieve the aim of the article the West European sources of information published in Bulgaria have been analyzed and systematized, incl. chronicles, stories, travelogues, cosmographic maps, reports, maps, portolans, etc. They reveal the impressions and knowledge of western annalists and chroniclers on the borders of the Bulgarian state and its natural resources. They also show that Bulgarians and their land occupy a worthy place in the works of western authors.

Pages: 13

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