Customer Relationship Management (CRM) – Strategies and Application


customers, customers management, key customers, strategy

The application of the strategies for management of relationships with customers gives a possibility for the enterprises to increase their incomes through:

- realising of products and servies on the market, that correspond to the consumption needs of the customers;

- improvement of service and working with customers;

- optimizing the process of negotiating with the customers;

- keeping existing and attracting of new customers;

- more effective realization of the enterprise products.

The basic goal of the work is on the ground of the leasing theoretical concepts and research of the practice existing in our country to genreate ideas for giving assistance to Bulgarian enterprises in their ambition to implement new methods and approaches to keep the present key customers, as to suggest other approaches for working to attract new customers, which will broaden the marketing presence with (marketing share) and to increase competetiveness of the business.

Pages: 16

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