Jana Todorova Rangelova, Galina Rumenova Petrova, Darina Ivanova Kerekovska – Yordanova
Analysis of the Elements of Organisational Culture of “Multiprofile Hospital for Active Treatment – Veliki Preslav”
The article is presenting a survey on the organisational culture elements in “Veliki Preslav” MHAT. The information is gathered from employees of the healthcare institution through questionnaires. The prevalent opinion is of strong organisational culture which creates and develops generally accepted behaviour values and norms. The organisation has established values such as personal responsibility, cohesiveness and teamwork. Each of these, separately and together, is particularly important in a healthcare institution where the work process depends on many people organised in teams.
Kristiyan Hadjiev
New Dimensions of Team Approach
The article explores the philosophy of the team approach in a conceptually new way. It studies the strategic role of the team from a group dynamics perspective and justifies its importance in social practices. Various types of teams are analyzed in view of immediate results, as are the conditions necessary to transform groups into effective team structures. The principles used to overcome the internal organizational shortsightedness and risk minimization are thoroughly examined.
Kristiyan Hadjiev, Nadia Marinova
Project-based Management/A Project Perspective of Management
This article examines theoretical and methodological traits of project management and their practical dimensions. It proposes a project-based management perspective and argues that this perspective enjoys the flexibility enabling an organization to respond to volatile environmental stimuli, to foster its creative capacity and to maintain its competitiveness. The proposed conceptual principles and models are elicited by analyzing the structure of the management process and examining its impact on the achievement of various strategic (project) goals. Finally, we identify specific team characteristics and leadership responsibilities conducive to best results in project management.
Stanislava Stoyanova
Specifics of the Team Approach for Collection
of Management Decisions in the Modern Organization
This scientific article examines the specific features and challenges of decision-making in terms of teamwork, and its main purpose is to present their role and influence in achieving efficiency in the management of modern organizations. It examines theoretical statements that describe the nature and some patterns of the decision-making process in the team form of activity, its stages and ambivalent characteristics. The emphasis is on the development of ideas about the role of the team in achieving effective management of organizations. After studying the above features, the basic factors influencing the efficiency in the process of making management decisions are derived.