This study interprets popular theories about the nature of taxes. The functions of taxes for implementing modern tax policy – fiscal, economic, social, environmental, and control – are examined. The contemporary role of taxation and tax control, aimed at ensuring ...
Defined as a goal of higher education, the development of critical thinking skills is a necessary precondition for starting an accounting profession and building a successful career. This study aims to explore the opportunities for critical thinking development in ...
Stay-at-home recommendations and restrictions during the global COVID-19 pandemic are creating unprecedented challenges for employees whose work has been transferred to a home environment. Even today, more than 2 years after the end of the lockdowns, little is known ...
The import of employees in the tourism sector is not a new phenomenon for Bulgaria. After the accession of Bulgaria to the EU, there has been an active exchange of employees from the member states. The global pandemic has led to a massive outflow of people seeking ...
In the dynamics of the contemporary social-economic environment stands out the significant technological progress stands out – this is the reason the concept of energy security comes with a new, wider signification. Most of the authors analysing the energy security ...
“Dialogue” is the first E-journal published by Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria. "Dialogue" is a quarterly journal. The journal is indexed by EBSCO Publishing, CEEOL, RePEc and Google Scholar.
The main themes the journal is intending to publish are: interdisciplinary methodological, theoretical and applied studies of modern society – culture, philosophy and information, humanity and ecology, globalization and economics, and other related problems.
Journal “Dialogue” is
1. Topics
The main themes the journal is intending to publish are: interdisciplinary methodological, theoretical and applied studies of modern society – culture, philosophy and information, humanity and ecology, globalization and economics, and other related problems.
2. Languages
The journal is multilingual. We accept texts written in one of the following languages:
“Dialogue” is the first E-journal published by Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria. "Dialogue" is a quarterly journal.
The main themes the journal is intending to publish are: interdisciplinary methodological, theoretical and applied studies of modern society – culture, philosophy and information, humanity and ecology, globalization and economics, and other related problems.
Fakes as Objects of Tax Control
Counterfeits are those results from an act or omission that is false, fraudulent or forged like the existing product. They contain foreign traits (characteristics) that create the illusion of a quality product at a higher cost or price, respectively. Counterfeits are of interest for tax control due to the fact that they generate profit. Tax control shall be established reality of profit, which serves as the basis for the calculation of tax liabilities, and the opportunities for manipulation of ...
Money came into existence on the basis of market relations in the absence of state intervention. The first means of exchange date back earlier than the development of clearly-established structures of public administration. The need for money was generated during an early form of trade, the barter. In general, the actual functions of money cover three general categories: a medium of exchange, a store of value and a unit of account. Money should be a universal force. This does not mean that ...
Aspects of the Forged Documents in the Tax Process
In modern times documentation applies for various purposes in public life. All the facts and circumstances relevant to the tax process can be proved on the basis of the document. Development of technologies of communication leads to a change in the way of fixing, storage, handling and use of data. Varied are the opportunities for manipulation of the information contained in the documents that are relevant for taxation of taxpayers. This requires the controls to be directed as to the nature and ...