Salt Trade of Tsvyatko Radoslavov and his Company in the 50s – 70s Of The 19th Century


Bulgarian Revival, sales company, salt trade, trading network, contracts, currencies, profit

In this article the trade with rock and sea salt of one of the biggest sales companies established in the town of Svishtov in the 50s of the 19th century in the region of Vlashko has been traced. The available quantitative data available in Tsvyatko Radoslavov’s unpublished archive have been processed by outlining daily business practices in this trade and the scope of the company’s activities as well as defining the company’s profitability. Different periods of the company’s activity have been outlined, as well as the trading network of the imported salt from Romanian cities and the sale of salt in Svishtov and in the North of Bulgaria. This article is a contribution to the studying of different specific mechanisms of the trade and the justification of the thesis that Svishtov has been one of the main centres of salt trade on the southern Danube bank during the period of the Bulgarian National Revival.

Pages: 17

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