Problems in defining the nature and framework of public-private partnership in Bulgaria


public-private partnerships, local authorities, business

Public-private partnerships (PPP) are part of the general change in the activities of the local authorities in their research for new forms of municipal management. An undeniable fact is that the last few decades have been accompanied by the strengthening of this partnership in countries transforming from planned to market oriented economies. The article examines the opinions of both individual authors and institutions, exploring the nature and the legal framework of the PPP. The result is that there has not been made a single opinion on the matter. They are all seeking a summary, starting from the agreed views in the documents of the European Union. However, there is a problem that they are not sufficient for full implementation of PPP schemes, because of the national laws of member states, including Bulgaria, and the sovereign right of each country to regulate the issues, regarding these partnerships independently.

JEL: H41, H54, H72, K23
Pages: 13

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