Yuliia Ishchuk
Drivers of Global Commodity Market Formation
The research reviews structural changes taking place in the 21st century, which is an era of shifts in the world economy, occurring under the influence of scientific and technological revolution, specialization and cooperation of industrial production and contributing to qualitative changes in the field of globalization of commodity markets. These processes are imperfect and, due to many shortcomings, require further scientific research.
The purpose of the study is to determine the role of drivers of the global commodity market shaping.
The article investigated the essence of factors of the global commodity market formation and its components. Influence of trade liberalization on formation of global commodity market was determined; the development of information technologies in the field of communications, information processing, transport technologies, as well as vigorous action of multinational companies were analyzed.
Kalin Ganchev
Tools of the Contemporary Protectionist Policy of the European Union
Despite the triumphal march of economic globalization, whose main characteristic is trade liberalization, countries and supranational integration formations have not abandoned, but improved the regulatory effects on international trade. The most decisive in the conduct of protectionist policy has been, in no small part, to continue to be the leaders of economic and technological dynamism - the USA, Japan and the European Community. The paper discusses the basic measures that protectionism is applied in practice: import licensing arrangements; duties with higher rates; import quotas; MIPs; minimum duties; additional duties and / or import taxes; import bans; dumping and countervailing duties. Conclusion, that contemporary forms and manifestations of these traditional instruments to mitigate foreign goods competition in favor of taking local farms are united in a common term “neoprotectionism”, has been reached.
Borislav Atanasov
Providing of Consumer Value Through the Price
The price is an element which is present in every sale-trade. It is a source of information for the price offering of goods from the same or similar commodity groups, and it is a criterion when the different alternatives are compared and chosen. Therefore it participates in the process of creating and providing of consumer value. Different approaches of providing of value through the price, published in the literature and applicable to the retail trade are presented in the article. Based on that, the differentiated value through the price for every approach derived from the end users in the purchase process is also brought out.