
1. Topics
The main themes the journal is intending to publish are: interdisciplinary methodological, theoretical and applied studies of modern society – culture, philosophy and information, humanity and ecology, globalization and economics, and other related problems.
2. Languages
The journal is multilingual. We accept texts written in one of the following languages: Bulgarian, English, French, German, Russian and Spanish.
3. Manuscript Requirements
All materials should have attachments of a short abstract and key words (up to 15 lines) in English.
Manuscripts should be 10 pages minimum. The larger works will be published in parts, consequently.
We will publish only original author's work that haven't been published before in other magazines or journals. Each author is responsible for declared ideas, content, layout and editing of his or hers own text.
Technical Characteristics
The format of the files sent should be one of the following: DOC, DOCX (MS Word 2003 or later)
Paper Size: A4
Margins: Left - 3.17 cm, Right - 3.17 cm, Top - 2.54 cm, Bottom - 2.54 cm
Font: Times New Roman
Font Size: 12 pt
Line Spacing: Single
Footnotes: 10 pt
Every author should state his/her names, degree, title, workplace, and occupation.
You can use the templates at the bottom of this page.
4. Citing Guidelines
When citing sources, authors should observe the requirements of APA Style at or at or at
5. Submission
The materials should be sent to the following e-mail:
We do not intend to pay honoraria, because the journal has no commercial character.
"Dialogue" welcomes also letters, notes, interviews, book reviews and responses to published materials from readers.
Declaration: download here
Template: download here